Lucy Arad MSc BSc
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Fertility Treatments
07491 968 118
Committed To Helping You Get Better
What Can Chinese Medicine Do For Me?
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is so effective that in China it is still an integral part of their mainstream healthcare and has been for thousands of years. It focuses on the root cause of the problem as well as the presenting symptoms, offering a ‘whole body’ approach to wellness - from the inside out. It is not limited to just treating back pain or headaches; it can offer a solution to many acute and chronic illnesses, both emotional and physical.
'My only regret is not starting treatment sooner' –Mike-
'Even after the first session I was aware of an improvement' –Jess-
I trained both in China and England and consistently achieved the highest award possible in both my Bachelor of Science degree in Acupuncture and my Masters of Science degree in Chinese herbal medicine. I went to Beijing to get further training and practical experience before setting up my own practice.
Available Treatments
Dietary and Lifestyle Advice
Fire Cupping
Lucy Arad MSc BSc
Member of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine