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I have suffered with a skin condition called Hidradenitis for the past 11 years, which causes abscess’s and boils to grow across my skin. During this time I have followed my doctor’s and dermatologist’s advice, and have tried to treat the condition with shower gels, antiseptic creams and antibiotics. Despite all of these efforts none of them seemed to cure the condition and it only got worse as I got older, especially throughout puberty. After suffering with this physically and emotionally, my mum discovered that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine has worked in a few cases when treating this skin condition. I visited Lucy for the first time in November 2016. After discussing my condition for the first time she prescribed me with a batch of Chinese Herbs, which I have taken twice a day, every day, since our first session. Alongside this I have also attended acupuncture sessions every three weeks. For the first time in 11 years, after 3 months treatment, my skin is starting to clear up. I feel more energised, happier and healthier. If I had taken my doctor’s advice and followed their treatment plan I would still be in pain every day. But thanks to Lucy I am on the road to recovering.



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