Lucy Arad MSc BSc
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Fertility Treatments
07491 968 118

How Can Acupuncture Help Me?
I have over 15 years of experience working with a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture was, for many years, mainstream medicine, so there are a huge variety of treatment methods for all kinds of problems. Please call me for further information about your specific problem if you are unsure if acupuncture can help you.
The Scientific Evidence for Acupuncture
If you are interested in the growing research evidence for acupuncture as an effective treatment for a number of medical conditions, please see the Evidence Based Acupuncture overview; or visit the Society for Acupuncture Research for information about how to find high quality research online about your condition. For a slightly easier read, the British Acupuncture Council has research based fact sheets that cover a variety of different medical conditions.
‘I feel I am back to my old self’ –Margaret-
Lucy Arad MSc BSc
Member of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine